Happy 2018!

Happy New Year from the CIDC.  This is our year to take back the House and the Senate!
Make sure to contact the event organizers directly for the most up-to-date information and to register or RSVP.   https://massdems.org/your-party/town-and-ward-committees  Don't forget to share the news with your friends via Facebook and Twitter at http://CapeDemocrats.com 
Many of our candidates are facing serious competition this year! Are we missing an upcoming event or fundraiser? Is there a cause we should organize for? Email [email protected] to get it added to the list.

The MassDems Caucus dates are being announced at https://massdems.org/convention/2018-caucus-dates
Saturday, January 6th - Brewster DTC
Join the Brewster Democratic Town Committee this Saturday at 10AM at the Brewster Police Department community room for our January meeting. We will have two guest speakers: Jimmy Tingle, who is a candidate for Lieutenant Governor, and Collin Mickle from the Immigrant Resource Center in Hyannis. 
The three candidates for Governor are preparing for the upcoming caucuses: Setti WarrenJay Gonzalez, and Bob Massie
Locally, Lou Cerrone is looking for help & delegates for Setti's campaign.

Anyone interested in getting involved in the Setti Warren campaign should contact Lou Cerrone

On Sunday, January 7th at 6 PM, they are also having an organizational and training meeting.  


JAN14 - East Sandwich - Chili Party in support of Julian Cyr - 12:30PM - 2:00PM 

Join Julian to discuss opportunities to support his upcoming re-election. 

If you have questions, please email [email protected] · Hosted by Julian Cyr and Linell Marie Grundman



JAN 20 - Cape and Islands Women’s March - 11AM - 1PM

Hyannis Village Green, Hyannis, Massachusetts 02601


The Harwich DTC has announced their 2018 dates for your calendar

HDTC Monthly Meeting, January 6th, 10:00 am. @ the Harwich Community Center, 100 Oak St.

Speakers include: Steve Craffey (Monomoy Regional School Committee), Ed McManus (Assembly of Delegates) and Judith Underwood (Harwich Housing Authority)

We will also finalize plans for the 19th Annual Brunch including 2018 Award Recipients

February 3rd, 10:00 amCaucus to Elect Delegates to 2018 State Convention followed by Monthly Meeting @ Harwich Community Center

We will be electing 7 Delegates and 3 Alternates to represent our town at the June 2nd Convention in Worcester. Please note this is a nominating convention and delegates will be making a public vote for Governor; Jay Gonzalez, Bob Massie or Setti Warren. There may also be contested races for Lt.Governor and Secretary of State

February 24th, 10:00 am - 19th Annual JFK Presidents Day Brunch @ Land Ho, Harwichport, $25.00.

All candidates for state-wide offices in contested races will be invited to speak as well as Congressman Keating, Senator Cyr, and Representative Sarah Peake

March 3rd, April 7th, May 5thHDTC Monthly Meetings, 10:00 a.m. @ Harwich Community Center, 100 Oak St, Harwich.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing and text

Thanks again for all your work on behalf of Democratic candidates and we look forward to seeing you soon!!